Compact and lightweight: ergonomics designed for effortless handling.
Particularly easy to use.
Excellent thermal sensitivity: 0.08°C.
Wide dynamic range for measurement (-20°C to +250°C).
Building diagnostics: To improve comfort or optimize a building's energy performance, thermal cameras are powerful tools capable of detecting faults and irregularities related to thermal bridges, thermal insulation, airtightness or problems involving water.
Industrial maintenance and repair: These thermal cameras are ideal for electrical maintenance, highlighting any electrical equipment malfunctions and particularly abnormal overheating.
Mechanical and electrical applications: To detect anomalies or malfunctions on internal components in order to prevent motor overheating; it can be used to check and test mechanical parts and assemblies: areas of wear, incorrect shaft alignment, lubrication problems, etc.
Detector: 80 x 60, UFPA microbolometer, 8-14 µm type.
Compact and lightweight: ergonomics designed for effortless handling.
Particularly easy to use.
Excellent thermal sensitivity: 0.08°C.
Wide dynamic range for measurement (-20°C to +250°C).
Building diagnostics: To improve comfort or optimize a building's energy performance, thermal cameras are powerful tools capable of detecting faults and irregularities related to thermal bridges, thermal insulation, airtightness or problems involving water.
Industrial maintenance and repair: These thermal cameras are ideal for electrical maintenance, highlighting any electrical equipment malfunctions and particularly abnormal overheating.
Mechanical and electrical applications: To detect anomalies or malfunctions on internal components in order to prevent motor overheating; it can be used to check and test mechanical parts and assemblies: areas of wear, incorrect shaft alignment, lubrication problems, etc.
Detector: 80 x 60, UFPA microbolometer, 8-14 µm type.